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time: 13.06.2012
author: lienutli
pokemon heart gold dns distribution
... required for the Celebi event in Heart Gold and. Pokemon GTS Celebi Distribution. DNS; IP; address; Logitech; webcam; License:. Pokemon DPHGSS DNS codes - YouTube
Pokemon DPHGSS DNS codes. BTW, DPHGSS stands for Diamond Pearl Heart Gold Soul silver CODES FROM. ... during the day to see if anyone starts up their own server for distribution. As for what pokemon it. Set "Auto-obtain DNS" to NO. 5. Set the "Primary DNS" to [Insert. GTS Exploit FAQ (Keep Bumped) - Pokemon HeartGold Version Message.
Pokemon GTS Celebi Distribution - YouTube
Event Pokemon! The DNS Server settings should read :. Heart Gold: 4511-7052-2037: Soul Silver: 4340. The Global Terminal [SID/Pokemon Checker and PKM Distributions]
The Global Terminal [PKM Distributions] {Last Update: 12 Jun 2012}
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